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We're a group of volunteers committed to helping abandoned/stray cats/kittens in need of medical attention and a forever home. All cats/kittens in our care are examined by our vet, tested for feline leukemia, treated with Revolution (selamectin), vaccinated (first vaccinations for kittens), micro chipped, spayed/neutered and treated for other medical issues, if necessary.

This service is run by volunteers and operates solely on donations & fundraising.

If you would like to make a cash or credit card donation directly on our vet bills, you may do so by calling Coverdale Vet Hospital at 506-383-4838 or by dropping into the clinic at 516 Pinewood Road, Riverview, NB, OR You can donate through PayPal or etransfer to

Credit card donations through Zeffy, where you can choose to make a monthly or one time donation as well as in Memoriam donations

Fortunate Felines Rescue is not an open-door shelter. We're a no-kill rescue group with a maximum number of cats that we can afford, financially and physically. We use foster homes throughout Moncton, Riverview & Dieppe to house our cats/kittens in care. The number of cats we can bring into care is directly related to the number of cats that we adopt into loving homes, freeing up a foster home to allow another cat to come into care.

**Please note**: If your stray is injured or ill, please contact us with the details of the circumstances. Our focus is abandoned and at-risk cats, so we will do our best to accommodate or assist you, if at all possible. We cannot assist you in placing a cat obtained from a private party under any circumstances.

We do help with feral (wild) cats and do have a Barn Contract program in place to assist in safely relocating these cats, as needed. But, space is limited to availability, if you have a barn, shop, warehouse etc in need of a Barn Buddy let us know. We can also suggest two local Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) groups that may be able to assist you in these cases.

If you would like to surrender your own cat:
Fortunate Felines Rescue is for stray or abandoned adoptable cats of all ages. Owner-surrendered cats will be taken into care, if space permits. You can also try to contact friends or family, PAW (formerly the Greater Moncton SPCA, or one of the other rescue organizations in the area. Please understand that ALL shelters, whether open door or not, are always at maximum capacity. 


For more information, send us an email at

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